
The Ripe Stuff is a personal and lifestyle blog that was created to reflect a way of positive thinking, constant learning and growing.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I am and always will be a hopeless romantic. I'll always have a weakness for the good old fashioned love I've only heard about, read about, or watched in movies. Haven't witnessed it myself yet, but someday I will.

Edward and Bella, Jack and Rose, Hannah and Adam in tonight's episode of GIRLS; they all have one thing in common-- the type of love that brings tears to my eyes. I know they're all fictional characters but I believe in this type of overwhelmingly pure true love and passion. The kind of love I can feel just from observing.

I love everything about love. I love talking about it, seeing it, hearing about it, and imagining it for myself.

But being a hopeless romantic has its downfalls. Vulnerability and experiencing rejection and heartbreak are among those downfalls. Not everyone shares these qualities, or are at least, willing to admit they do. But experiencing pain is a part of life, and like a scraped knee, heartbreak is something that, with the proper care and a little bit of love from ourselves or others, will heal. And in the end, I truly believe, anyone can find the pure love that will make all of the heartbreak and pain, worth it.

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