
The Ripe Stuff is a personal and lifestyle blog that was created to reflect a way of positive thinking, constant learning and growing.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I am reading a book called "The Secret" right now. It's all about how your thoughts-- positive or negative-- are transmitted out into the universe and effect what happens to you later on. There's a big emphasis on thinking positively, being optimistic about the fact that eventually, you will get what you desire, and being grateful. There's a section that says listing the things you are grateful for will help your mind narrow in on the things you have, rather than the things you don't have. Since I am having surgery tomorrow, I think it's a perfectly appropriate time to appreciate all the marvelous things I have in my life.

1. The sweetest, most giving, nurturing, and affectionate mother who has sacrificed so much for me and always makes me feel her love.
2. The most caring, funny, and loving father who would stop at nothing just to put a smile on my face.
3. The silliest, prettiest, and most inspiring sister who can always make me laugh and is the best roommate I could ask for.
4. The cutest, most rambunctious doggie who is so soft and cuddly, though he might not admit that.
5. A few amazingly sweet and caring girl friends who I feel an overwhelming love towards-- one I never thought I could feel for a friend.
6. A great job that keeps me challenged and constantly learning more, and great bosses and team that appreciate what I do and value my hard work.
7. "Me" time-- I was joking with a friend over lunch today that I love my "me" time so much, I wouldn't want to go back to school right now and lose it.
8. My love for exercise- I'm so happy to have such a healthy addiction.
9. A Magnolia Cupcake- that I look forward to treating myself to once I achieve my weight loss goal.
10. My apartment- it is looking prettier and prettier each week with all of the recent new additions-- our bar stand, artwork, and curtains... I love being there and feel so safe, relaxed, and cozy.

I will have an easy surgery and quick recovery.


1 comment:

  1. I love your post....being grateful is so powerful. Helps us realize that we truly do have so much to be grateful for! xxoo thoughts of healing xxoo

