
The Ripe Stuff is a personal and lifestyle blog that was created to reflect a way of positive thinking, constant learning and growing.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

I May Have Lost My Wisdom But I Still Have My Wit

I'm lying in bed sans wisdom teeth thinking about a bunch of things I can't wait to do, but unfortunately, must.

I want to:
1. Take a Zumba class with my heart rate monitor to see how many calories I can burn.
2. Go healthy snack shopping for my work desk so I have options at my disposal that will help stop me from hitting up the good old Hearst cafe, which is good at enticing me with her delicious freshly baked M&M cookies and deliveries of Crumbs cupcakes.
3. Get back into the gym routine I was very much appreciating for the past few weeks.
4. Run outside.
5. Take another Buddhism class.
6. See myself in the mirror looking like a girl again, rather than like a Chipmunk.
7. Finally see the number on the scale backing down to my goal weight.
8. Think of some more exciting healthy lunch options, since these plain salad combinations are beginning to become the lowlights of my days.
9. Get my room back in the city straightened up and drawers cleaned.
10. Become better at practicing positive thought streams I am beginning to learn about in Buddhism, and more importantly, begin to look and feel better about myself.

Think I can do it? I do! Let's see.


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