I just discovered a few of my old diaries-- all incomplete, but filled with pages and pages of pain from heartbreak, loneliness, and growing pains. Wow, was I a volatile teen.
I was telling my friend briefly about what I found, and about how interesting it was to read about those emotions and experiences. Not only have I recovered from the pain found in those pages, but I've learned other, better ways to cope and deal with disappointments. She responded, noting how refreshing it must feel to see how much I've changed, and said something that really made me think. What would we tell our 18-year old selves?
I wouldn't discipline myself for feeling those strong emotions. I wouldn't even tell myself I was overreacting or reacting incorrectly. I would mostly want to write words of encouragement, just to give myself just an ounce of hope, that in 5 years, or even 2 or 3, I would be in a happier place. And I would be stronger, wiser, and ready to take on the unknown. Here it goes.
Dear 18 year old Riana,
I know you are hurting and sad. I know you feel alone, scared, and that it isn't going to feel better. I know you feel you are different, a misfit, and that you will never be understood. It really will get better.
In a few years to come, you will find beauty in those differences. You will take pride in yourself-- in the way you analyze things, the way you think about the future constantly, and your sensitivities. You will realize you aren't wrong for having expectations, standards, and the desire to give and receive love.
I know you feel so low right now, but it is a scary time. You don't blend in with the rest, and standing out can feel scary. You feel lost, and that is scary too. But this is how you grow. Feeling pain will someday be the reason you have grown. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, it's true.
For now, don't do anything rash. Try to pause and figure out what you need to be happy. Put yourself first. Be friendly to everyone, but be careful where you put your trust. This is a time for you to learn about who you are, and what you really need to be happy. You might not figure it out right away. But there are ways to make the process easier.
So for now, don't fret. Take good care of yourself. Take advantage of opportunities college offers, and try not to be bothered by being alone at night sometimes.
A few years from now, I promise you will be experiencing happiness, good health, success, kind people, an enriching life, and love-- (most importantly) from yourself, and others.
Now be a good girl and try to take a break from these college guys because they truly haven't a clue what they're doing.
22-year old Riana
That was hard because I wanted to give myself hope but didn't want to provide a false sense that things could be better right then and there. As I said, I needed to experience that pain and emotion in order to be the strong person I am today.
What would you say to your younger self?
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Letter to Myself
Letter to myself,
Thursday, March 21, 2013
I am reading a book called "The Secret" right now. It's all about how your thoughts-- positive or negative-- are transmitted out into the universe and effect what happens to you later on. There's a big emphasis on thinking positively, being optimistic about the fact that eventually, you will get what you desire, and being grateful. There's a section that says listing the things you are grateful for will help your mind narrow in on the things you have, rather than the things you don't have. Since I am having surgery tomorrow, I think it's a perfectly appropriate time to appreciate all the marvelous things I have in my life.
1. The sweetest, most giving, nurturing, and affectionate mother who has sacrificed so much for me and always makes me feel her love.
2. The most caring, funny, and loving father who would stop at nothing just to put a smile on my face.
3. The silliest, prettiest, and most inspiring sister who can always make me laugh and is the best roommate I could ask for.
4. The cutest, most rambunctious doggie who is so soft and cuddly, though he might not admit that.
5. A few amazingly sweet and caring girl friends who I feel an overwhelming love towards-- one I never thought I could feel for a friend.
6. A great job that keeps me challenged and constantly learning more, and great bosses and team that appreciate what I do and value my hard work.
7. "Me" time-- I was joking with a friend over lunch today that I love my "me" time so much, I wouldn't want to go back to school right now and lose it.
8. My love for exercise- I'm so happy to have such a healthy addiction.
9. A Magnolia Cupcake- that I look forward to treating myself to once I achieve my weight loss goal.
10. My apartment- it is looking prettier and prettier each week with all of the recent new additions-- our bar stand, artwork, and curtains... I love being there and feel so safe, relaxed, and cozy.
I will have an easy surgery and quick recovery.
1. The sweetest, most giving, nurturing, and affectionate mother who has sacrificed so much for me and always makes me feel her love.
2. The most caring, funny, and loving father who would stop at nothing just to put a smile on my face.
3. The silliest, prettiest, and most inspiring sister who can always make me laugh and is the best roommate I could ask for.
4. The cutest, most rambunctious doggie who is so soft and cuddly, though he might not admit that.
5. A few amazingly sweet and caring girl friends who I feel an overwhelming love towards-- one I never thought I could feel for a friend.
6. A great job that keeps me challenged and constantly learning more, and great bosses and team that appreciate what I do and value my hard work.
7. "Me" time-- I was joking with a friend over lunch today that I love my "me" time so much, I wouldn't want to go back to school right now and lose it.
8. My love for exercise- I'm so happy to have such a healthy addiction.
9. A Magnolia Cupcake- that I look forward to treating myself to once I achieve my weight loss goal.
10. My apartment- it is looking prettier and prettier each week with all of the recent new additions-- our bar stand, artwork, and curtains... I love being there and feel so safe, relaxed, and cozy.
I will have an easy surgery and quick recovery.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
I am and always will be a hopeless romantic. I'll always have a weakness for the good old fashioned love I've only heard about, read about, or watched in movies. Haven't witnessed it myself yet, but someday I will.
Edward and Bella, Jack and Rose, Hannah and Adam in tonight's episode of GIRLS; they all have one thing in common-- the type of love that brings tears to my eyes. I know they're all fictional characters but I believe in this type of overwhelmingly pure true love and passion. The kind of love I can feel just from observing.
I love everything about love. I love talking about it, seeing it, hearing about it, and imagining it for myself.
But being a hopeless romantic has its downfalls. Vulnerability and experiencing rejection and heartbreak are among those downfalls. Not everyone shares these qualities, or are at least, willing to admit they do. But experiencing pain is a part of life, and like a scraped knee, heartbreak is something that, with the proper care and a little bit of love from ourselves or others, will heal. And in the end, I truly believe, anyone can find the pure love that will make all of the heartbreak and pain, worth it.
Edward and Bella, Jack and Rose, Hannah and Adam in tonight's episode of GIRLS; they all have one thing in common-- the type of love that brings tears to my eyes. I know they're all fictional characters but I believe in this type of overwhelmingly pure true love and passion. The kind of love I can feel just from observing.
I love everything about love. I love talking about it, seeing it, hearing about it, and imagining it for myself.
But being a hopeless romantic has its downfalls. Vulnerability and experiencing rejection and heartbreak are among those downfalls. Not everyone shares these qualities, or are at least, willing to admit they do. But experiencing pain is a part of life, and like a scraped knee, heartbreak is something that, with the proper care and a little bit of love from ourselves or others, will heal. And in the end, I truly believe, anyone can find the pure love that will make all of the heartbreak and pain, worth it.
Monday, March 11, 2013
First Weigh In + This Week's Eats
I woke up at 8:30 yesterday morning after a fun night out at Jones Wood Foundry, a neighborhood British-style pub with my sister and friend. We drank Lambrusco and chatted and enjoyed the company of a very cute British bartender (brings me back to my days in London!). Anyway, yesterday morning was beautiful. I stepped outside with a plan to go for a 4-mile run along the FDR, but decided I'd run to Central Park instead and do a lap around the beautiful Jackie Onassis Kennedy Reservoir.
View of the beautiful reservoir during yesterday's run
Google maps told me the run would be 1.5 miles to the reservoir, and I figured the reservoir was about 1 mile, and then I'd run the 1.5 back, for a total of 4 miles. However, it was a bit further than I had anticipated! My run ended up being around 4.25 miles before I decided to catch the bus home. Unfortunately for me, there wasn't a bus in site, and I finished off my journey by running back home, for a total of about 5 miles. It was a beautiful day though, so I really didn't mind. I just didn't want to be late for my first WW weigh-in!
I got home at 9:45 and made my way back out after grabbing a KIND Bar and apple, and filling up my water bottle of course. I made it to the meeting at about 10:05, and though I was a little late, I was very satisfied with the turn-out of my weigh-in! I lost 2 pounds this week! I'm happy and proud of myself for my hard work, but I am also a little anxious to get the rest of the 11.8 pounds off.

Some of the delicious and healthy meals I've eaten recently-- all made by yours truly except the Chobani cup ;)
Orange and ginger glazed salmon topped with fresh salsa, w/roasted peppers and salad; an egg white omelette with salsa and a side of fresh blueberries and kiwk, delicious greek yogurt with granola, agave, and fresh fruit from Macondo, and a Chobani greek yogurt cup with dark chocolate, pistachios, oranges, and mint from the Chobani flagship in SoHo (a favorite of mine)!
Losing weight when you are already somewhat close to your goal is very challenging, and I know it won't be easy. I have to be meticulous about tracking what I eat, especially as I get closer to my goal. I also have taken on the new workout routine I shared in Saturday's post. I think the increase in weight training and high-intensity runs will help, and I am being very careful about what I'm eating, at least during the week. I had a few more drinks than I would have planned this weekend (Saturday night in particular), but I won't let this happen frequently, and fortunately it didn't effect my weight loss. I also had a bit of an indulgent lunch at Peels (my favorite brunch place) yesterday, and that could be a pitfall, but I think I have enough time this week to make up for it, plus I earned 8 extra activity points during yesterday morning's run, and I have the weekly point balance I can dig into on occasion. I still feel very much in control, and I'm excited for the challenges this week's workout plan will bring. I can do it!
View of the beautiful reservoir during yesterday's run
I got home at 9:45 and made my way back out after grabbing a KIND Bar and apple, and filling up my water bottle of course. I made it to the meeting at about 10:05, and though I was a little late, I was very satisfied with the turn-out of my weigh-in! I lost 2 pounds this week! I'm happy and proud of myself for my hard work, but I am also a little anxious to get the rest of the 11.8 pounds off.

Some of the delicious and healthy meals I've eaten recently-- all made by yours truly except the Chobani cup ;)
Orange and ginger glazed salmon topped with fresh salsa, w/roasted peppers and salad; an egg white omelette with salsa and a side of fresh blueberries and kiwk, delicious greek yogurt with granola, agave, and fresh fruit from Macondo, and a Chobani greek yogurt cup with dark chocolate, pistachios, oranges, and mint from the Chobani flagship in SoHo (a favorite of mine)!
healthy eating,
weight loss,
weight watchers
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Creating the Perfect Workout Routine
Ask just about any average-shaped woman who wants to get in better shape what their fitness goals are and they'll probably tell you the same thing: tone and lose fat. How do we achieve this though?!
Years ago, I found the answer to be running. I was about 20 pounds overweight after spending a semester abroad in Lodon and eating and drinking all that I could fit in my mouth (and stomach...and thighs...etc.). I lost the weight and felt amazing. However, consistent running begins to wear on your body, and though I'm fortunate enough to not have had an injuries *knocks on wood*, I've found I am not able to achieve my current fitness goals on the strict basis of running. It's time to switch it up.
I've been doing a lot of research, hoping to learn about the best form of exercise for women to lose body fat and gain muscle tone. Here's the answer: there isn't one. It's a combination.
The good news is, I can still incorporate runs into my workouts, but they will be different types of runs. Long, leisurely outdoor runs will be more of a treat than anything, because they aren't really doing much for my fitness goals besides maybe keeping some fat off. Instead, I will need to amp up the HIIT-- that's High Intensity Interval Training, as well as strength training. I found this great forum in which users go into great detail about what's been working for them. I still need to refine my strength training program, but I'm very excited to finally figure out what is missing from my routine! Here's what I'll be doing.
Mon: Back and Biceps
Tues: HIIT
Wed: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps
Thurs: HIIT
Sat: Legs
Sun: Long run or fun class
I'm off to the gym now to try out Legs and HIIT. I know it's not in the schedule, but I'm really excited and can't wait to try it!
Enjoy your Saturday :)
Years ago, I found the answer to be running. I was about 20 pounds overweight after spending a semester abroad in Lodon and eating and drinking all that I could fit in my mouth (and stomach...and thighs...etc.). I lost the weight and felt amazing. However, consistent running begins to wear on your body, and though I'm fortunate enough to not have had an injuries *knocks on wood*, I've found I am not able to achieve my current fitness goals on the strict basis of running. It's time to switch it up.
I've been doing a lot of research, hoping to learn about the best form of exercise for women to lose body fat and gain muscle tone. Here's the answer: there isn't one. It's a combination.
The good news is, I can still incorporate runs into my workouts, but they will be different types of runs. Long, leisurely outdoor runs will be more of a treat than anything, because they aren't really doing much for my fitness goals besides maybe keeping some fat off. Instead, I will need to amp up the HIIT-- that's High Intensity Interval Training, as well as strength training. I found this great forum in which users go into great detail about what's been working for them. I still need to refine my strength training program, but I'm very excited to finally figure out what is missing from my routine! Here's what I'll be doing.
Mon: Back and Biceps
Tues: HIIT
Wed: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps
Thurs: HIIT
Sat: Legs
Sun: Long run or fun class
I'm off to the gym now to try out Legs and HIIT. I know it's not in the schedule, but I'm really excited and can't wait to try it!
Enjoy your Saturday :)
high intensity interval training,
strength training,
women's fitness,
working out,
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Today was a good day! I woke up at 8:30 for a nice 4 mile run. It was chilly but gorgeous out. Then, I came back and walked to a Weight Watchers meeting as I sipped my green juice (which was delicious by the way). I decided to rejoin WW because I like the structure of having a points system and going to weekly weigh-ins. I was surprised that my weight was 4 pounds lower than it had been this week, but I guess a few days of runs and walking around got me back down to normal. Now I'm just about 11ish pounds away from my goal, which doesn't sound too scary or terrible!

Delicious green juice from Juice Generation
Yesterday I saw Cinderella on Broadway with my lovely mother and sister. The show was so cute and sweet and I absolutely loved the actress who played Cinderella. I think the show was very well-done and I could see why all the little girls loved it so much (maybe I'm still a little girl...)
Anyway, after my WW meeting, I went to Whole Foods and stocked up on LOTS of healthy food (spent more money than I had been planning, but I guess I'm on a healthy track now so that's what matters). I bought lots of fresh produce, chicken, fish, some frozen vegetables, and some healthy snacks that I think will help me adjust to this portion-controlled way of eating. I bought rice cakes and Terra chips-- I know, risky choices, but I really want to learn the habit of control. I don't want to deprive myself and I want to lose the weight the healthy way, which means allowing myself to eat the foods I like, but in moderation, so I don't binge on the weekends on cupcakes and pizza and what have you. I also bought almond butter and almond milk-- which I think will be great healthy snacks. The almond butter tastes great with apples and I think it will also taste good with yogurt and other fruits. The almond milk will be great in a smoothie and I think its just a healthy option in general. But fruits and veggies should be the majority of my snacks... the rest will be a treat.
After food shopping, I went to brunch with my sister and her friend at Uva, an UES favorite. Then we went to West Elm and bought a great bar stand for our living room which I absolutely love! It's so nice to be able to treat yourself to things, with your OWN money, and decorate your OWN apartment. Our bar stand is a bit bare, but its nothing that a few cool liquor and wine bottles won't fix. Plus, that's not a terrible problem to have, not having enough alcohol. Ha! I've been thinking about alcohol and how it would effect my dieting. It would obviously make it harder to lose weight. I've been thinking about limiting my drinking to just the weekend, and just a few drinks, like maybe 2. I'm not a huge fan of drinking anyway, I hate the way it makes me feel the next day, and I get ravenous when I have more than a few drinks. I'd rather be in control and be able to enjoy the liberties of a hangover-free day.

Our new bar stand, purchased at West Elm
How do you feel about alcohol when dieting? Do you limit yourself to a few drinks, or none at all?
Delicious green juice from Juice Generation
Anyway, after my WW meeting, I went to Whole Foods and stocked up on LOTS of healthy food (spent more money than I had been planning, but I guess I'm on a healthy track now so that's what matters). I bought lots of fresh produce, chicken, fish, some frozen vegetables, and some healthy snacks that I think will help me adjust to this portion-controlled way of eating. I bought rice cakes and Terra chips-- I know, risky choices, but I really want to learn the habit of control. I don't want to deprive myself and I want to lose the weight the healthy way, which means allowing myself to eat the foods I like, but in moderation, so I don't binge on the weekends on cupcakes and pizza and what have you. I also bought almond butter and almond milk-- which I think will be great healthy snacks. The almond butter tastes great with apples and I think it will also taste good with yogurt and other fruits. The almond milk will be great in a smoothie and I think its just a healthy option in general. But fruits and veggies should be the majority of my snacks... the rest will be a treat.
After food shopping, I went to brunch with my sister and her friend at Uva, an UES favorite. Then we went to West Elm and bought a great bar stand for our living room which I absolutely love! It's so nice to be able to treat yourself to things, with your OWN money, and decorate your OWN apartment. Our bar stand is a bit bare, but its nothing that a few cool liquor and wine bottles won't fix. Plus, that's not a terrible problem to have, not having enough alcohol. Ha! I've been thinking about alcohol and how it would effect my dieting. It would obviously make it harder to lose weight. I've been thinking about limiting my drinking to just the weekend, and just a few drinks, like maybe 2. I'm not a huge fan of drinking anyway, I hate the way it makes me feel the next day, and I get ravenous when I have more than a few drinks. I'd rather be in control and be able to enjoy the liberties of a hangover-free day.
Our new bar stand, purchased at West Elm
drinking dieting,
weight watchers
Friday, March 1, 2013
Dating Makes You Fat
I have been dating for the past 7 months now and I am making a bold statement: Dating makes you fat.
Mid-week drinks, dinners, interrupted gym schedules, movie snacks, and emotional eating. Dating doesn't sound so fun after all. Can I suggest a gym date next time?
I'm very traditional and appreciate going out to dinner for a date. I think its a nice way to get to know someone and also bond over one of the wonders of NYC-- food. However, the scale does not agree. Missing my workouts for a late night of a few cocktails and rich delicious food is beginning to bite me in the butt. And after a late night, it's hard to get back on track for the rest of the week!
What's a girl to do? Stop dating? Perhaps for a little bit. I think I need to get back into my routine and my healthier habits. Mid-week drinking isn't really my forte and I'd much prefer a 45-minute date with the pavement or machines. Maybe even a room full of sweaty women pretending we can shake our booties like Beyonce (Zumba). If it means I can get to my goal weight, I'm all in!
How do you handle dating in your schedule? Do you wake up early to get a work-out in when you know you'll miss it in the evening?
Mid-week drinks, dinners, interrupted gym schedules, movie snacks, and emotional eating. Dating doesn't sound so fun after all. Can I suggest a gym date next time?
I'm very traditional and appreciate going out to dinner for a date. I think its a nice way to get to know someone and also bond over one of the wonders of NYC-- food. However, the scale does not agree. Missing my workouts for a late night of a few cocktails and rich delicious food is beginning to bite me in the butt. And after a late night, it's hard to get back on track for the rest of the week!
What's a girl to do? Stop dating? Perhaps for a little bit. I think I need to get back into my routine and my healthier habits. Mid-week drinking isn't really my forte and I'd much prefer a 45-minute date with the pavement or machines. Maybe even a room full of sweaty women pretending we can shake our booties like Beyonce (Zumba). If it means I can get to my goal weight, I'm all in!
How do you handle dating in your schedule? Do you wake up early to get a work-out in when you know you'll miss it in the evening?
dating makes you fat,
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